Care For Your Braces, Teeth and Gums

It’s more important than ever to brush and floss regularly when you have braces, so the teeth and gums are healthy after orthodontic treatment.

Care For Your Braces, Teeth and Gums

It is more important than ever to brush and floss regularly when wearing braces, so that teeth and gums are still healthy after your orthodontic treatment is finished. It is also important to care for your braces by avoiding foods that can damage your braces.

Brushing & flossing with braces

It is more important than ever to brush and floss regularly when you have braces, so your teeth and gums are healthy after your orthodontic treatment period. Parents who have children with braces need to encourage good oral hygiene with their children at all times.

Visit your dentist when wearing braces

Patients with braces who do not keep their teeth clean may require more frequent visits to the dentist for a professional cleaning. Adults with braces who have a history of gum disease should also see a periodontist during orthodontic treatment.

Foods to avoid with braces

Foods that cannot be cleaned off your braces may lead to discoloration and decay of your teeth.

Even though our braces and wires are metal, they are still fragile and are often damaged by eating the wrong foods. Damaged braces lead to longer treatment times.

Some examples of foods to avoid

  • ABSOLUTELY NO GUM – sugarless or otherwise
  • Chewy foods: bagels, hard rolls, licorice
  • Crunchy foods: popcorn, ice, chips – Sticky foods: caramels, gum
  • Hard foods: nuts, candy and foods you have to bite into: corn on the cob, apples, carrots


Minimize sugar intake when wearing braces

  • Eat much less: cake, pie, ice cream, and foods with sugar
  • Drink much less: soda pop and drinks with sugar

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